zondag 7 juni 2009

civil war dairy quilt

Next week I have a few new blocks to show you, I already have a basket full of blocks only civil war blocks. I really need to put them together. I already bought the fabric for the sashings but stil don t know if I am going to use cornerstones or not... what do you suggest?

3 opmerkingen:

  1. ben er ook nog niet uit of ik corner stones ga gebruiken
    ik doe voorlopig alleen nog maar de sashing aan de rechterkant van ieder blokje

  2. I and my group are up to 60 CWLL blocks and mine are in a container for now. I will keep watching to see what you decide to do with yours!

    All of them look beautiful.

  3. Spannend. kom volgende week weer naar je blokken kijken.
