zaterdag 12 november 2011

Scandinavian Christmas update part II and bonnet for DD

 And a new update from my Scan- dinavian  Christ- mas, it is so nice to work on it, specially because you don't need you're sewing machine, so you can just do it for half an hour... or 10 minutes waiting love it....

A new project for one of my daughters a crochet bonnet. the first part I am making now is the under part... and then you make it round to make a bonnet of it. I am sure I will get there when I am at that point but at this point I am already happy that this part looks the same as the pattern. This pattern is from drops. Have a nice sewing weekend !!!

zondag 6 november 2011

Scandinavian Christmas part I

The first part of my Scandinavian Christmas is Finished !!! I just some wood hearts and stars instead of stitches... I am going to make a little start on the next one... because it is only 2 in the afternoon right now.. some some more time for quilting and stitching before I have to make myself useful again !!! have a nice stitching sunday ;-)

zaterdag 5 november 2011

Her and his dairy......

My daughter gave me this today to read..... so true..... she already understands husbands/friends so much better then I ...... and she's is 16 !!!!!!!!