zaterdag 12 november 2011

Scandinavian Christmas update part II and bonnet for DD

 And a new update from my Scan- dinavian  Christ- mas, it is so nice to work on it, specially because you don't need you're sewing machine, so you can just do it for half an hour... or 10 minutes waiting love it....

A new project for one of my daughters a crochet bonnet. the first part I am making now is the under part... and then you make it round to make a bonnet of it. I am sure I will get there when I am at that point but at this point I am already happy that this part looks the same as the pattern. This pattern is from drops. Have a nice sewing weekend !!!

3 opmerkingen:

  1. Dat zal best, het lijkt me ook een geweldig patroon om te maken, dit ziet er ook weer leuk uit.
    Succes met haken.

    Groeten Miny

  2. Ja leuk hè om aan de Scandinavian te werken.
